This Trike is amazing! Powerful, comfortable, stable and tons of fun. Love the fat tires and also love the below the seat cooler/storage. Shipping was very quick and I was highly impressed with the packaging of the trike. I also love that purchasing this bike goes towards planting trees for our environment.
Was very satisfied with the service I got and how they stood behind the warranty. They sent my replacement part the next day at no charge to me. So glad I bought my Forte bike from them
The bike was easy to assemble. Looks and feels well made. I took the bike down the road a couple miles and it did really well. The bike also handled my steep dirt and gravel driveway great. I am so happy with my bike. Thank you.
I haven’t received my trike just yet, however, I’m impressed with the customer service and the flexibility of Go bike..
When getting my bike it was scratched up and the headlight was broken. The company sent me a new headlight but neglected to tell me that it wouldn't be possible to install it. The breaks squeek embarrassing loud. After posting a disappointing review Joe Tunnelle the Cheif Marketing officer reached out and offered me a new bike that would be built and tested. I was able to keep the old bike. I was impressed. The new bike was worse. The front tire rubs on the break assembly. It sqeeks even louder than the first bike. On occasion the display will freeze. The bike just doesn't feel safe. The bike was not built or tested as per the CMO. After reaching out to Joe a tech called me and asked if I could send videos of the issues. I sent the videos. It's been almost a month and never heard back. Don't waste your time unless you like junk. Lastly the tires do not stay inflated on both bikes. It's scary to know these people make mobility products! SHOP ELSEWHERE!